



Happy Monday.

Guided Writing: Video


Anchor Chart Assignment (see below)


In groups, gather information to share with the class on Wednesday on the following Writer's Workshop programs.

  1. Writer's Workshop
  2. 6+1 Writing
  3. Lucy Calkins
  4. Writing by Design
  5. Write Bright
  6. Write Now Right Now


Using the curriculum evaluation rubric below...


Create an anchor chart to share your writing program with the class on Wed. 


What is it? What does it look like in the classroom? The focus of the program. Strengths. Weaknesses.




1. Every Day Edit

2. Share Writer's Workshop Programs

Interactive Writing Activity - Scholarly Writing

Writing strategy
     7.31: Omit Needless Words

Revise the introduction for scholarly and concise writing.

3. Review rubric (Coursework)

Prepare for PLC Group:

1)  First topic - revise, edit, peer-review (complete and submit checklist)



PLC Groups

See below


Read Chpt. 6 Lit. for 21st Cent. (pg. 194-211) (writing fluency)




  1. Run the intro and topic 1 through Grammarly
  2. Revise and edit for concise and scholarly writing
  3. Submit to TeKippe a completed self-review checklist for Topic 1.
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Guided writing lesson