The participant outcomes of this 10-day travel seminar are:

  • deepened knowledge about the German and Lutheran heritage of Wartburg College
  • intentional reflection on and articulation of one's role as a Wartburg staff or faculty member
  • strengthened relationships among faculty and staff members across campus



All Wartburg Faculty and Staff members are covered by an international travel policy. If you decide to go early or stay late for personal travel you will no longer be covered by the college policy.  You can extend your international coverage by contacting your personal insurance agent. Policy coverage is also available from Kathy Traetow.

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If you are a seasoned traveler you may find some good reminders and if you have never traveled internationally you will find some good ideas.

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Click on image to enlarge map.

We will fly into Berlin and home from Nuremberg.

The three orange arrows, from top to bottom, highlight the three places we will visit:  Wittenberg (where Martin Luther taught), Eisenach (where the Wartburg Castle is located), and Neuendettelsau (where Loehe and Grossmann came from).

Where We're Staying

You and your roommate will share a bathroom. No middle-of-the-night trips down the hall. But bring soap and shampoo, since they're not always provided.

Colleg Wittenberg

June 21-24 (4 nights)

Haus Hainstein

June 25-26 (2 nights)

Dialog Hotel

June 27-29 (3 nights)

You have no incoming announcements.