Spanish Language and Composition (SP 320)

Term: 2020 Fall Term


Zak K. MontgomeryShow MyInfo popup for Zak K. Montgomery
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Mon-Wed-Fri, 10:45 AM - 11:50 AM (8/26/2020 - 12/3/2020) Location: MAIN LH 201


In-depth overview of Spanish grammar and vocabulary with a strong writing component for application of course concepts and improvement in students' ability to write meaningfully in Spanish. Fall Term. Prerequisite: SP 261 or SP 263 or instructor approval.

Spanish Language and Composition (SP 320)

Term: 2020 Fall Term


Zak K. MontgomeryShow MyInfo popup for Zak K. Montgomery
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Mon-Wed-Fri, 10:45 AM - 11:50 AM (8/26/2020 - 12/3/2020) Location: MAIN LH 201


In-depth overview of Spanish grammar and vocabulary with a strong writing component for application of course concepts and improvement in students' ability to write meaningfully in Spanish. Fall Term. Prerequisite: SP 261 or SP 263 or instructor approval.