Science and Religion (ID 302)

Term: 2021 Winter Term


Daniel BlackShow MyInfo popup for Daniel Black
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Office hours:
  • Tuesday 9:35 AM to 11:15 AM
  • Thursday 9:35 AM to 11:15 AM


    Mon-Wed, 7:00 PM - 8:40 PM (1/18/2021 - 4/27/2021) Location: MAIN SC 247


    Exploration of historical and contemporary points of conflict and convergence in science and religion, including cosmology, evolution, human genome project. Writing Intensive. Prerequisite: Third- or fourth-year standing.

    Science and Religion (ID 302)

    Term: 2021 Winter Term


    Daniel BlackShow MyInfo popup for Daniel Black
    Email address is hidden, click here to email
    Office hours:
  • Tuesday 9:35 AM to 11:15 AM


    Mon-Wed, 7:00 PM - 8:40 PM (1/18/2021 - 4/27/2021) Location: MAIN SC 247


    Exploration of historical and contemporary points of conflict and convergence in science and religion, including cosmology, evolution, human genome project. Writing Intensive. Prerequisite: Third- or fourth-year standing.