1. Download and complete the correct form from the "Forms to Download" section of this page. Include all information in one electronic file (MS Word or PDF) if possible.
  2. Animal protocols that will occur in the animal facility must carry the signature of the animal facility manager (currently Dr. Samantha Larimer Bousquet) before submission. The signature of the animal facility manager indicates that you’ve been provided with any relevant SOPs (standard operating procedures) and that there would be space for research to occur.  You should use these SOPs to simplify the writing of your protocol; tell the committee that you are following the SOP for care except for the places noted.
  3. The signature sheet on the protocol form needs to be signed, and a copy needs to be delivered to the IACUC chairperson.  The signed sheet can either be scanned in and emailed as part of the submission, or a hard copy can be sent via campus mail.
  4. Completed protocols should be emailed to IACUC@wartburg.edu. If the individual who wrote the protocol is a student, their research advisor (or other relevant faculty member) should send the email; the IACUC will not review protocol forms that are submitted directly from students. Faculty submission of a protocol indicates that the faculty member has carefully read the protocol, vouches for it being complete and accurate with no known ethical issues, and promises that appropriate support and oversight will be provided for the students to ensure that the protocol will be completed as proposed.
  5. If your research requires any permits from other agencies (such as the Iowa DNR), you should note in your protocol that appropriate permits will be obtained, and you should provide the IACUC with these permits after they obtained. (The IACUC will approve your study before obtaining these permits, with the understanding that appropriate permits will be acquired before the research begins.)

Researchers are required to halt approved activities (except for housing) if significant changes to the protocol become necessary or in the case of unexpected ill health of animals due to the protocol.  The IACUC should be informed immediately.  The committee will work with the concerned party to determine an appropriate revised course of action, if any.